Ziba's Spa, Salt Cave, Natural healing, Beauty SPA

Acne reduction facial

Acne reduction facial: European facial with use of anti-acne products. It helps to get deep into the pores to get rid of dirt and oil, extracting blackheads and purifying the skin.

Acne develops when the pores in the skin become clogged with dead skin cells and oil. The result is whiteheads and blackheads. Bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes also play a role in the inflammation, which results in the red bumps that characterize acne. Certain areas of the face may be more prone to acne breakouts for various reasons.

ziba's Spa Acne reduction facial
Hairline and temples

Acne around the hairline and temples, called forehead acne, may be due to the use of certain hair products. When this is the case, it is called pomade acne. This can affect both males and females with any skin type. When oily or waxy hair products spread to the nearby skin of the face, they can block the pores. This can cause acne breakouts. Using simpler formulations, or avoiding these ingredients in hair care products, may help prevent acne from forming around the hairline.
It is especially important to prevent oily hair products from coming into contact with the face.

T-zone: Forehead, nose, and chin

The sebaceous glands produce sebum, which is an oily substance that moisturizes and protects the skin. Excess sebum production can cause acne. Extra oil production can mean that breakouts may occur more often in these areas than other parts of the face. Younger people with acne had more acne around the U-zone, which covers the cheeks and chin, than in the T-zone.


Breakouts on the cheeks can occur as a result of acne mechanica, which develops due to friction or rubbing of the skin. For example, this may occur when a person holds a cell phone against their face, when they move against the pillow in their sleep, and when they wear a piece of equipment or clothing that has a chin strap.
Acne mechanica is not restricted to the cheeks, however. It can occur in different areas of the body depending on the specific occlusive clothing or activity. It is most commonly recognized in athletes. Addressing the cause of friction against the skin usually results in the improvement of the acne.

Scientists have tended to link acne around the jawline to fluctuations in hormones. However, other researchers have challenged and refuted this notion. There is no evidence to suggest that acne around the jaw and chin will accurately predict if a person has a hormonal disturbance.
Since many people with acne do not have hormone abnormalities, however, other factors — such as increased sensitivity of oil glands to hormones — may be the cause.


A range of skin care products and personal hygiene can work to fight bacteria, inflammation, and excess oil, all of which can cause acne.


Gently wash the face once or twice per day, as well as after exercising or sweating with a proper cleanser ( will advise you after your facial) Any product that comes into contact with the skin of the face should be oil free and noncomedogenic to help prevent acne. Avoid touching the face frequently, as rubbing the skin often may also cause acne. Also, be sure to sleep with clean
sheets and pillowcases. Keeping the hair away from the face and washing the hair after using oily or waxy hair products may help reduce acne around the hairline. Maintaining a healthful lifestyle with plentiful exercise, good nutrition, and minimal stress may also help prevent acne breakouts. Reducing stress and taking time for regular relaxation may help reduce or prevent acne breakouts.




Ziba’s Spa

36 Ash St, Uxbridge, ON ​L9P 1E5

Tel: 905-852-2845

Opening hours

Tuesday To Saturday

10:00am  -  6:00pm

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